
Blake Victor Kent, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Sociology
(805) 565-6783

Office Location

Deane Hall 209

Office Available

Please email the professor for an appointment. 



Research Interests
  • Subjective religion and spirituality
  • Mental health
  • Flourishing
  • Religious struggles
  • Diverse populations

Blake Victor Kent is Associate Professor of Sociology at Westmont College; Research Affiliate at Massachusetts General Hospital's Center on Genomics, Vulnerable Populations, and Health Disparities; Research Affiliate at Harvard University's Human Flourishing Program; and Non-Resident Scholar at Baylor University’s Institute for Studies of Religion. He serves on the boards of Review of Religious Research and the Public Health, Religion, and Spirituality Network, 以及全球繁荣研究(GFS)的核心分析团队. The GFS, 这是一项由哈佛大学和贝勒大学的研究人员领导的价值4300万美元的计划, will examine flourishing, religion/spirituality, and well-being among 220,在5年的时间里,对20个国家的000名参与者进行了调查.

Dr. 肯特的广泛研究兴趣是宗教/灵性和心理和身体健康, 特别注意主观的宗教和精神体验, particularly attachment to God. 他目前的一些项目利用了来自五个不同种族和民族的美国大学的数据.S. 参加国家社会心理压力协会的队列, Spirituality, and Health, 目的是确定宗教和精神如何影响不同人群的疾病病因学. His work has appeared in 宗教科学研究杂志,健康心理学,生活质量研究,种族 & Health, Research on Aging, Journal of Aging & Health, 等,并已受到全国关注的网点,如 《ag娱乐官网》《ag娱乐官网》《ag娱乐官网》《ag娱乐官网》 and Newsweek. He is married to Rachel, and when their two young boys allow it, he enjoys camping, running, scuba diving, soccer, and reading novels.



Davidson, James C., Blake Victor Kent, Yvette Cozier, Alka Kanaya, Erica Warner, Heather Eliassen, David Williams和Alexandra Shields. “参加宗教仪式是否会改变日常歧视与肥胖风险之间的关系?? 压力、精神和健康研究的结果.” 种族和民族健康差异杂志.

Stroope, Samuel, Blake Victor Kent,安娜·沙克特,阿尔卡·卡纳亚和亚历山德拉·希尔兹. “为什么参加宗教活动与美国人更多的焦虑有关?.S. South Asians? The Mediating Role of Congregational Neglect.” 种族和民族健康差异杂志.

Upenieks, Laura, Blake Victor Kent, Nagaswami, Megha, Yue Gu, Alka Kanaya和Alexandra Shields. “宗教和灵性是否能缓冲童年创伤对抑郁症状的影响?? Examination of a South Asian Cohort.” Journal of Religion and Health.


Kent, Blake Victor, Laura Upenieks, Alka Kanaya, Erica Warner, Yvette Cozier, Martha Daviglus, Heather Eliassen, Daniel Jang, and Alexandra Shields. “宗教/灵性和流行高血压在五个种族和民族多样化的美国.S. Cohort Studies.” Annals of Behavioral Medicine 57(8):649-661.


Bradshaw, Matt, Blake Victor Kent, Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet, Byron Johnson, Sung Joon Jang和Joseph Leman. 美国人对上帝的责任感与心理健康的关系.S. Adults.” Journal of Religion & Health 61(1):327-352.

Cowden, Richard, Victor Counted, Blake Victor Kent, and Ward Davis. 2019冠状病毒病大流行期间的资源损失和痛苦:积极宗教应对在美国前瞻性样本中的调节作用.S. Adults with Chronic Illness.” Mental Health, Religion, & Culture 25(3):288-304.

Henderson, W. Matthew and Blake Victor Kent. “对上帝的依恋与心理困扰:曲线关系的证据”.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 61(1):161-177.

Isehunwa, Oluwaseyi, Erica Warner, Donna Spiegelman, Ying Zhang, Julie Palmer, Alka Kanaya, Shelley Cole, Shelley Tworoger, Lester Orville Shields, Yue Gu, Blake Victor Kent, Immaculata De Vivo, and Alexandra E. Shields. 《压力、精神和健康研究中的抑郁、宗教ag娱乐官网和端粒长度》.” 国际心理健康和成瘾杂志 20(3):1465-1484.  

Kent, Blake Victor, 理查德·考登、维克多·考德、爱德华·戴维斯、桑德拉·鲁格和小埃弗雷特·沃辛顿. “宗教/精神因素是否缓和了痛苦与宗教/精神斗争之间的联系?? 美国成人慢性疾病的三波纵向研究.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 61(3-4):642-662.

Stroope, Samuel, Blake Victor Kent, Ying Zhang, Donna Spiegelman, Alka M. Kanaya, Namratha Kandula, Anna B. Schachter, and Alexandra E. Shields. “Mental Health and Self-Rated Health among U.S. 南亚人:宗教团体参与的角色.” Ethnicity & Health 27(2):388-406.


Bradshaw, Matt, Blake Victor Kent, James C. Davidson, and Stacy de Leon. 父母、同伴和吸烟轨迹:基于群体的方法.” Youth & Society 53(4):676-694.

伊桑瓦,奥卢瓦塞伊,艾丽卡·华纳,唐娜·斯皮格曼,雪莱·特沃罗格, Blake Victor Kent, Nicholas Spence, and Alexandra Shields. “The Association between Religion, Spirituality, 绝经后妇女皮质醇和脱氢表雄酮的唾液节律.” Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology 7:100064.  

Kent, Blake Victor and Matt Bradshaw. 青少年背景和抑郁症状轨迹在全国样本:13至34岁.” 国际心理健康和成瘾杂志 19(5):1468-1484.

Kent, Blake Victor, W. Matthew Henderson, Matt Bradshaw, Christopher G. Ellison, and Bradley R.E. Wright. “精神体验能缓和日常压力对心理健康的影响吗??抑郁症状与繁荣的经验抽样研究.” 国际宗教心理学杂志 31(2):57-78.

Kent, Blake Victor, James C. Davidson, Ying Zhang, Ken Pargament, Tyler J. 范德威尔,哈罗德·柯尼格,林恩·安德伍德,尼尔·克劳斯,阿尔卡·M. Kanaya, Shelley Tworoger, Anna B. 沙克特,雪莱·科尔,玛西娅·奥利里,伊薇特·科齐尔,玛莎·L. Daviglus, Tracey Zacher, and Alexandra E. Shields. 美洲印第安人的宗教和精神, South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latina, and White Women in the Study on Stress, Spirituality, and Health.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 60(1):198-215.

Ngo, Long, M. Austin Argentieri, Simon Dillon, Blake Victor Kent, Alka M. Kanaya, Towia Libermann, and Alexandra E. Shields. “Plasma Protein Expression Profiles, Cardiovascular Disease, MASALA研究中南亚人的宗教斗争.” Scientific Reports 11(1):961-977.

Schachter, Anna B., M. Austin Argentieri, Bobak Seddighzadeh, Oluwaseyi Isehunwa, Blake Victor Kent, Philip Trevvet, Michael McDuffie, Laura Mandel, Ken Pargament, Lynn Underwood, Alexa McCray, and Alexandra Shields. 《ag娱乐官网》.” BMJ Open 11(10):e043830.

Shields, Alexandra, Yuankai Zhang, M. Austin Argentieri, Erica Warner, Yvette Cozier,刘春雨, Blake Victor Kent, Andrea Baccarelli, and Julie Palmer. 压力和精神与黑人女性HPA轴基因甲基化的关系:来自BWHS和SSSH的结果.” Epigenomics 13(21):1711-1734.

Warner, Erica T.,  Blake Victor Kent, Ying Zhang, M. Austin Argentieri, Wade Rowatt, Kenneth Pargament, Harold Koenig, Lynn Underwood, Shelley Cole, Martha Daviglus, Alka Kanaya, Julie Palmer, Tianyi Huang, Mark Blais, Alexandra E. Shields. “The Study on Stress, Spirituality, 与健康(SSSH): SSSH基线灵性调查的心理测量评估和初步验证.” Religions 12(3):150.


Kent, Blake Victor. 13至34岁抑郁症状的宗教/灵性和性别差异轨迹.” Journal of Religion and Health 59(4):2064-2081.

Kent, Blake Victor, Samuel Stroope, Alka M Kanaya, Ying Zhang, Namratha Kandula和Alexandra E. Shields. “美国人的私人宗教/灵性、自我评估健康和心理健康.S. South Asians.” Quality of Life Research 29(2):495-504.

Stroope, Samuel, Blake Victor Kent, Ying Zhang, Alka M. Kanaya, Namratha Kandula, and Alexandra E. Shields. 自评宗教ag娱乐官网/灵性与美国人的四种健康结果.S. South Asians.” Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease 208(2):165-168.


Bradshaw, Matt, Blake Victor Kent, W. Matthew Henderson, and Anna C. Setar. “Attachment to God and Social Trust.” Sociological Perspectives 62(6):1001-1021.

Kent, Blake Victor and Christopher M. Pieper. “To Know and Be Known: An Intimacy-Based 
圣经直译主义的性别差异解释.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 58(1):231-250.


Bradshaw, Matt and Blake Victor Kent. 祈祷、对上帝的依恋与晚年的心理健康.” Journal of Aging and Health 30(5):667-691.   

Kent, Blake Victor, Matt Bradshaw, and Jeremy E. Uecker. 宽恕、对上帝的依恋与美国老年人的心理健康状况.S. Adults: A Longitudinal Study.” Research on Aging 40(5):456-479.












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