
Edward Song, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Philosophy; Associate Director, Center for Social Entrepreneurship; Fellowships Advisor; Pre-Law Advisor
(805) 565-7071

Office Location

Porter Center Room 1B

Office Available

For Virtual Appointments

Email: esong@techgyaani.com 


Moral and Political Philosophy, Practical Ethics, Philosophy of Religion

Research Interests

Representative Publications

  • “Fairness, Benefits, and Voluntary Acceptance,” Journal of Moral Philosophy (2023)
  • "Preemptive Anonymous Whistleblowing," (co-authored with James Rocha), Public Affairs Quarterly (2012)
  • "Acceptance, Fairness and Political Obligation," Legal Theory (2012)
  • "Rawls's Liberal Principle of Legitimacy," The Philosophical Forum (2012)
  • "Political Naturalism and State Authority," Journal of Social Philosophy (2012)
  • "Subjectivist Cosmopolitanism and the Morality of Intervention," Journal of Social Philosophy (2010)

Ed grew up in central Virginia and has degrees from Yale (BA), Oxford (MA), and the University of Virginia (Ph.D.).  Before arriving at Westmont, he was an associate professor of philosophy at Louisiana State University. Ed is married to Felicia Song, who teaches in the sociology department at Westmont.  They have two children.  He is an avid runner, cyclist, and cook.